The NZI 2023 Christmas event made a return to the bowling club.
The weather was a little damp with drizzle but the "bowlers" made the most of the opportunity, the clubrooms were dry and the meal was spectacular.

Eric, Bowling Club Helper, Richard, Germaine and Maia

Bruce, Temuka Bowls Club Helper and Heather
Stu,Max, Faamanu, Kay and Bruce
Peter, Eric, Bradley, Heather, Germaine, Maia and Richard
Bowling club members, Kim and Rachelle
Faamanu and Stu
Rachelle and Kim
Aimee and Elijah
Ian, Bryan, Emma and Mandy
Vicki, Carmen, Kah Wai and Kyle
Ferdinand,Jeffry,Jo-Anne,Maureen, Joel,Severo,Agnes,Debbie, Margaret and Lerma

Dinner is served

Special thanks to Clever Catering for a wonderful meal

Carmen, Garry, Vicki, Kah Wai and Kyle

Short speech and prize giving for the bowls winners
Elijah, Stu, Aimee, Marion and Evan
Rachelle, Gary, Elijah, Aimee and Marion
Germaine, Rachelle, Ricky, Marion and Evan
Peter and Heather
Debbie, Brian, Kyle, Jeremy, Tim, Nicky, Steve and Suzanne
Ricky, Kah Wai and Carmen