Photos taken in 2012

Thomas Street, Temuka

The office block was built in the 60's, adopting the style of 1930's art deco austerity

We've recently repainted the office exterior

And upgraded the main entry

New front door

Entry sign

Entry stairwell - recently refurbished

Slip Room

Filter Presses

Pug Room


Ample room for expansion

Turning Line

Dry Process

Wax & Glaze

Wax and Glaze

Pre Firing

Post Firing

Post Firing

Every NZI insulator must pass a live HV flashover test, rejects get recycled. This is a key differential.

Low Voltage Assembly

Office - by the way, all pictures in this gallery deliberately have no people


New trees along the eastern boundary, should look good for our Centenary in Feb 2024

And a flash new fence

The 'Back Road' product graveyard

Everything gets reused, nothing goes to waste in Temuka

All reject waste gets crushed and recycled into the our bullet-proof Kakahu mix