
Prevent rot in your wooden fence posts with Postsaver sleeves

Post Save rot prevention in wooden fance posts
Post Saver rot prevention in wooden fence posts

Are you facing the dilemma of how to protect your posts or poles from decay? In the past the solution has involved a toxic wood preservative to protect the pole from deterioration when exposed to the organisms that live in the topsoil.

Over time the toxic wood preservative deteriorates and oxides, leaching into the soil. The leaching is caused by the ongoing change in seasons – from wet to dry. The toxic preservative containments the soil, producing an organism which attacks the pole wood and results in decay and damage.

At first it maybe difficult to detect the decay and damage, but it is important to note that 15% decay in the outer layer of a pole can reduce the poles strength by up to 40%!

Non-toxic fence post sleeves

Non-toxic post saver sleeves
Non-toxic post saver sleeves

Patented non-toxic Postsaver sleeves provide a more effective solution to this problem. They create a tough dual layer barrier that keeps the moisture, oxygen and decaying organisms out of pole, therefore preventing wood decay.

At the same time they prevent moisture flow between the post and the soil that over time leads to leaching and a loss of preservative from the post.

Independent tested for quality assurance

Postsaver sleeves have been independently tested to ensure they meet a number of international standards.  These include the following:

  • European Standard EN252: 1989, ‘Field test method for determining the relative protective effectiveness of a wood preservative in ground contact’
  • ENV807 Wood preservatives. ‘Determination of the effectiveness against soft rotting micro-fungi and other soil inhabiting micro-organisms’
  • AWPA E1-97, American Wood-Protection Association: 2005.’ Standard method for laboratory evaluation to determine resistance to subterranean termites’.
  • Meets the requirements of A.W.P.A.  (American Wood Protection Association) standard ‘Barrier systems’  P20-13, BP-1

Where can you find Polesaver and Postsaver in New Zealand?

Patented in New Zealand and Australian markets, NZI is the agent for Polesaver and Postsaver.  To find out more about protecting your wooden and steel poles contact the team at NZ Insulators

How to stop your fence posts rotting

Postsaver hard ground video