Two hours south of Christchurch on Highway 1 - Temuka

Established as a settlement in the 1860's - Temuka was originally called Wallingford

The Temuka Domain is an oasis for locals

Blue Cod bar meal at The Jolly Potter - recommended
The Phoenix is the place to stay, definitely, book via phoenixmotels.co.nz

Temuka Golf Club - be warned, the locals seldom lose

And of course New Zealand Insulators in Thomas Street

Pioneer aviator Richard Pearse was a local (Waitohi) boy

As was Phar Lap

Where once there were sheep

Clandeboye Dairy Factory

Volunteers at McKinnon's Creek Hatchery release 80,000 salmon into the Rangitata each winter

Milford Huts at the Opihi River mouth, this one sold between $60-70k, with long drop

5km further south to Timaru (population 27,000)

And the beautiful Caroline Bay

Whoever designed this city/beach interface knows their stuff

Taniwha Cave at Timaru's Te Ana Rock Art Centre

Built in 1905, historic Holme Station Homestead can be hired for meetings/conferences

Peel Forest - tramping, rafting, horse treks, salmon fishing, canoeing, fishing, tandem bikes

Geraldine has become something of a foodies destination

With a drive-through post box, and (thankfully) no drive-through fast food outlets

Lake Tekapo from Mount St John

Ice-fed Tekapo is one hour inland

South Canterbury - low rainfall, river terraces, stands of mature exotic trees

And extended summer twilights